Premier Farnell UK Pension Scheme

The Trustee of the Premier Farnell UK Pension Scheme is required to make certain elements of the Chair’s statement, Statement of Investment Principles (SIP) and Implementation Statement available free of charge online.

For queries about your benefits, to notify a change of address or update your expression of wishes, please contact our Scheme administrators, Willis Towers Watson:


Post: Premier Farnell UK Pension Scheme, PO Box 545, Redhill, RH1 1YX

Phone: 0113 390 7184

Please remember to quote your name, your birth month, the last 4 digits of your National Insurance number and your postcode to help Willis Towers Watson deal with your enquiry as quickly as possible.

Chair’s Statement 2023

This includes information about the charges and costs Scheme members incur in relation to their defined contribution (DC) pension investments.

Statement of Investment Principles

December 2023

The SIP sets out the Trustee’s investment strategy and objectives.

Implementation statement 2024

This sets out the Trustee’s implementation of the investment policies set out in the SIP over the year.