Laporte Group Pension Trust

If you are a member of the Evonik pension scheme, Degussa Hűls Employees Pension Scheme or Synthetic Chemicals Pension Scheme, the documents shown on this page apply to you.

The Trustee of the Laporte Group Pension Trust is required to make its Chair’s statement, Statement of Investment Principles and Implementation Statement available free of charge online.

Chair’s Statement 2024

This includes information about the charges and costs Scheme members incur in relation to their defined contribution (DC) pension investments.

Statement of Investment Principles (DB and DC Sections)

September 2022

The SIP sets out the Trustee’s investment strategy and objectives.


This letter is about Guaranteed Minium Pension (GMP) and who it may affect.

Privacy Notice

This explains how the Plan may collect, use and share your personal data.